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Early Retirement and N H S

May be useful information (a rarity on this site) I think I have got this correct.
From the 1st July 2014,people who retire early from the U.K. to a residual country in the EEA will no longer get the Health Assistance that had been granted for up to 2.5 years, by the U.K. Government. People already receiving this benefit will not be affected neither will people of pensionable age.

La Marina

Yes this is correct Alan, we have been trying to get our residencia here since March 2013, but the law had changed then, so we had to wait until my hubby reached 63 yrs of age which he did in May, so we went to see Lewis at the Town Hall, a very helpful young man and he gave us all the information so that we could contact the DWP, which we did, but because my hubby was medically retired at the age of 59 (4 years ago), he no longer met the criteria ......he hadn't paid into the system in the past 3 years - how could he!! - he had been medically retired 4 years ago!! and because the new law commences on the 1st July, we now have to remain non-residence for another two years, as he only gets him works pension and we therefore cannot afford to pay into the Spanish Health system.

Commented Linda Reed in La Marina 2014-06-25 14:44:11 UTC

This sounds so similar to my circumstances, except the end result was entirely different I was medically retired at the age of 58. At the time a Male had to have 44years of health stamps, to be entitled to a full state pension at 65 years of age, I made enquirees if I could pay for the 2 years I would be short, but was told no need to, as with my enforced retirement I would be granted health stamps free gratis until I reached 65, also I was told to ask for other payments I may be entitled to. (I was granted a small payment ,which I still receive 11 years later) we decided to move to Spain when I was 61 as the climate was better for me. Upon moving I was immediately granted the Spanish Health System, for two years (as my stamps had been paid up to date, Albeit not by me)After receiving this benefit for two years My luck was still in because my Wife had reached 60 which gave her free Spanish Health care, and seeing as I was her Husband I got the Spanish health system as well until 65 when I got it in my own right.
I know this sounds trivial to most people, but the difference over time can be many thousands of pounds,
so whenever you are making big changes to your life ,make doubly sure you are claiming all the benefits you think you may be entitled to. As the first Guy I spoke to at the Works and Pensions told me 'You have earned and payed for these benefits, it is your right to claim them, If the claim is valid payment will be met'.
I just have a feeling Linda that if your Husband had asked about his stamps and how does he get them paid, the whole outlook may well of been so different.

Commented Alan in La Marina 2014-06-25 15:19:42 UTC

Do you know if the DWP payment for incapacity ends when you reach 65 and receive your state pension?

Commented Maggie Gray in Quesada 2014-06-26 02:38:02 UTC

If you live in the U.K. I believe they carry on. If you live in the E.U. some still carry on. As I said in my earlier comment ,I still receive one, although a small one, Which the U.K. stopped when I moved to Spain, I was one of the many thousand who kicked up a fuss that this was illegal. after four years the E.U. agreed it was illegal for the U.K. to stop, so most of what the U.K. stole from me was repaid to me. So your best bet is to either look at the' you gov' web site,or contact your local DWP dept.

Commented Alan in La Marina 2014-06-26 07:49:32 UTC


Commented Maggie Gray in Quesada 2014-06-26 07:51:23 UTC

Its a pity the UK dont do the same - but no straight into the system - I understand also, although I may be wrong - and please correct me if so. But if us ex pats decide to go back to the UK its a hell of a job getting back into the system ?

Commented Souxie in La Marina 2014-06-26 16:22:59 UTC

Yes that happened to my husband and so he paid up the stamps he was owing so as that when he does retire he will get a full pension

Commented Souxie in La Marina 2014-06-26 16:25:40 UTC

I have had a few friends return to UK and have not had a problem getting back into system.
Can never understand why anyone would want to go back except family pulls!!!

Commented Maggie Gray in Quesada 2014-06-26 16:55:36 UTC

Couldn't agree more Maggie... but I was told that once youve been out of the system for over a certain amount of years they wipe you out of the system - so pleased its not true. Not for me, but I know there are people who miss their family so much they are desperate to get back..

Commented Souxie in La Marina 2014-06-26 17:14:10 UTC

If you are receiving any benefits like Pensions they can not wipe you off the system
Did you hear that in a Bar

Commented fred pegman in San Miguel de Salinas 2014-06-27 17:21:35 UTC

I didnt mention pensions I was talking about the UK health system

Commented Souxie in La Marina 2014-06-27 20:17:32 UTC

All the systems are tied into each other

Commented fred pegman in San Miguel de Salinas 2014-06-27 21:08:12 UTC

No I read it in the Daily Telegraph - not that you can trust the papers.

Commented Souxie in La Marina 2014-06-28 07:53:18 UTC